how to remove tough stains from windows

How to Remove Bird Poop From a Window?

Even though bird watching is fun, their droppings can be a nightmare for many homeowners. Bird Poop is not only ugly, but it can also cause a lot of harm to windows if left unclean for over a long period of time. This is because the poop is highly acidic and dries very quickly, hence making it challenging to clean up. 

If you find yourself in such a scenario, worry not as we will guide you on how to easily and quickly clean it up. Follow these steps:

  • As soon as you notice the bird’s droppings, take your tools and start cleaning the window. Delaying the process will only make cleaning to be more difficult. 
  • Soak the dirty area with a soft sponge saturated with warm water. This will help soften and loosen the bird poop. 
  • Allow the bird droppings to loosen or soften before cleaning. If you clean the poop right away, you might scratch the window or even cause more damage. 
  • After the poop has soaked, run it gently with a sponge dipped in warm soapy water. When you’re done, check and see if there is any dropping left behind. If there is any, you can use a plastic scraper or squeegee to gently get rid of the remaining poop on the window.
  • After getting rid of all the bird’s poop on the window, it’s now time to give the whole window a proper cleaning. Spray it using a window cleaner and wipe it using a dry and clean cloth. 

Bottom line 

With these five simple steps, removing bird poop from your windows has been made easy. Don’t rush to get the poop off your window as you may end up damaging it. Always be patient and avoid scrubbing the window when the poop is not loosened. 

How to Remove Hard Water Stains From Outside Windows?

Many people confuse hard water stains with soap residue because of their appearance. If you want to differentiate between these two, simply use regular detergent. If it comes off easily, then it is soap residue but if it doesn’t, then be ready to use other methods to remove the hard water stains. 

Hard water spots are caused by minerals like magnesium and calcium in the water. When water containing these minerals is used on your windows, it leaves spots behind after it has evaporated. This whitish glaze left behind is a mineral deposit and it may not be easily noticeable at the first stages. 

Since these deposits are alkali in nature, they need acid to get rid of them. That’s why you should try out different substances like vinegar, lemon juice, and vinegar solution to remove them. Besides, you can also use other substances like abrasive cleaners and cleaning products. Here are the steps that you should take to remove hard water spots on your window:

  • Fill the bottle with vinegar

Take plain white distilled vinegar and mix it with water. Ensure that the concentration of vinegar in the solution is quite higher than that of water. 

  • Spray the vinegar solution on the window

Spray the solution on the window but pay attention to the stubborn stains. Then, allow the vinegar to soak and reapply the solution several times on the spot. 

  • Soak the towel with the vinegar solution

Put the soaked towel over the spot and allow it to sit over it for some time. This will help to saturate the stubborn water stains. 

  • Scrub the window smoothly and gently with the saturated towel

Use the rough soaked towel to gently scrub the window. The towel allows the vinegar to easily penetrate the buildup. 

  • Allow the vinegar to soak in

The more stubborn the stains, the more time you will let the vinegar sit on the window. When the window starts drying, reapply the vinegar solution. 

  • Get rid of the vinegar solution with a dry towel

After some time, you can now spray the spot with a vinegar solution or with plain water as you dry the windows using a clean and dry towel or squeegee. Make sure that the water or vinegar solution doesn’t dry on the window again. 


Try out different substances and watch out what works for you. Many people prefer vinegar and it works marvellously. If you have baking soda in the house, you can also try using it. Follow these simple steps and you will always have sparkling and clear windows all the time. 

How to Remove Paint From Windows & Frames? 

If you have remodelled your home and later realized that some paint splattered on your window, then you have come to the right place. Our steps below will guide you on how to get rid of the paint and leave your windows looking crystal clear again. 

Step 1: collect your supplies

Start by collecting all the supplies that you will need to remove the paint off your window. These include a bucket of hot water mixed with dish soap, a clean sponge, a glass cleaner, and a new razor blade. If you don’t want to use a razor blade, you can get a professional grade window scraper or a mini paint scraper. 

Step 2: Use the water and dish soap to wet the window

When ready, put the sponge in the warm soapy water and use it to wet the window. The soapy water is important as it lubricates the window, thus preventing the window from getting scratched. If you have a freshly painted windowsill, you can protect it using a plastic tarp before applying the warm water on the window. Also, ensure that you reapply the soapy water every time the window starts to dry. 

Step 3: position the razor blade ready to scrape off the paint

This is a very crucial step as you shouldn’t hold the razor blade anyhow. You need to hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle from the window pane and place it at the edge of the paint. This help to prevent the razor from scratching the glass or it breaking. 

Step 4: Scrape the paint off

Always use slow and smooth motions while scraping off the paint from the window. If the paint is wet, then it should clear out in one sheet and not in patchy flakes. After each and every stroke, clean the paint off the razor blade before resuming. 

For the best results, always scrape in one direction. Lift the razor blade from the glass at the end of the stroke. Avoid scraping the blade backwards and forwards across the glass as this is likely to cause scratching. 

Additionally, keep an eye on the blade and if you hear a coarse sound, then the blade may be dull or broken. Switch to a new blade and always confirm if it’s functioning as needed. 

Step 5: Clean the window 

When you’re done scrapping off the paint, spray the window with a glass cleaner and wipe it off using a clean and dry cloth. Check the window and see if there is any paint remaining on it or its frames. 


Getting the paint off your window and frames shouldn’t be a problem if you follow these simple steps. Keep your windows clear and glittering by following the steps that we’ve provided above. 

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